Tag: natural childbirth

Creating a BIRTH PLAN That Nurses WILL Read

Creating a BIRTH PLAN That Nurses WILL Read

“Giving birth is a transformation and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve had eight babies before. It’s still a transformation the next time you have another baby, because you are no longer the same woman you were before you had that baby.” – Penny Handford “I’ll 

Do Childbirth Classes Exist during COVID?

Do Childbirth Classes Exist during COVID?

YES!!! Covid has done a number on many areas of our life and the economy, but I’m here to say, it DOES not need to interfere with how woman have babies!  Birth is such a natural and beautiful part of life. Let me show you 

What in the World is a DOULA??

What in the World is a DOULA??

What is a Doula?

The doula  is a professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to a mother who is expecting, is experiencing labor, or has recently given birth. Their purpose is to help women have a safe, memorable, and empowering birthing experience.

Most often the term doula refers to the birth doula or labor support companion. However, there are also antepartum doulas and postpartum doulas. Most of the following information relates to the labor doula. Doulas can also be referred to as labor companions, labor support specialists, labor support professionals, birth assistants, or labor assistants. (American Pregnancy Association)